Wake Up歌词 – Imagine Dragons

2024年6月28日07:56:21 发表评论 6

Wake Up - Imagine Dragons

作词 : Dan Reynolds/Wayne Sermon/Ben McKee/Robin Lennart Fredriksson/Mattias Larsson

作曲 : Dan Reynolds/Wayne Sermon/Ben McKee/Robin Lennart Fredriksson/Mattias Larsson

Wake Up歌词 - Imagine Dragons
Wheels up, when I'm off the ground
起落架收起 离陆升空
I'm nowhere but I'm all around
我无处可寻 却又无处不在
I'm spinnin', watch me now
我旋转着 观赏此刻的我
I'm spinnin', spinnin'
我旋转着 无休止地旋转

Big man when a wall's between us
彼此之间有高墙隔阂 显得强大无比
Big man gonna break to pieces
Spinnin', can't believe it
我旋转着 难以置信
Spinnin', spinnin'
旋转着 无休止地旋转

Uh, turn around, turn it up, talk a bit
转身吧 调高音量 说点什么
Zip it up, lock you in, and close it up
拉上帷幕 囚你入笼 合上一切

Everybody's coming for you, wake up
世人趋之若鹜 为你前来 快醒醒吧
Everybody's coming, wake up
他们纷纷而来 快醒醒吧
Bodies dropping everywhere, I'm waist up
舞池狂欢 人影交错 我却置身事外
Everybody's coming, wake up
世人趋之若鹜 快醒醒吧

Some days I'm a ch-chameleon
有时我摇身一变 见风使舵
Switch it up when I crawl the ceilin'
天花板是我的舞台 尽情释放
Flip it upside down, I'm wheelin'
颠覆常规 我自得其乐

Every single one of you is coming to my mind
Bring them all together, can you stack them in a line?
能否齐聚一堂 排成一列
Jealousy is gonna be your failure, not mine
嫉妒只会成为你们的败局 而非我

Uh, turn around, turn it up, talk a bit
转身吧 调高音量 说点什么
Zip it up, lock you in, and close it up
拉上帷幕 囚你入笼 合上一切

Everybody's coming for you, wake up
世人趋之若鹜 为你前来 快醒醒吧
Everybody's coming, wake up
他们纷纷而来 快醒醒吧
Bodies dropping everywhere, I'm waist up
舞池狂欢 人影交错 我却置身事外
Everybody's coming, wake up
世人趋之若鹜 快醒醒吧
Everybody's coming, wake up
世人趋之若鹜 快醒醒吧

Got a case of the take or leave it
要么全取 要么全弃
Give an inch and I'm bound to seize it
你退让一寸 我便步步紧逼 寸土必争
Take a chainsaw out and feed it
挥舞电锯 吞噬一切荆棘
Come alive when you don't believe it
在质疑声中 我将迸发更盛的生命力
Write me off and I'd love to read it
若想轻视我 我倒要看看你的轻蔑判词
Spit your words and I'll watch you eat it
放马过来 你的刻薄言语将被我一一化解
挖掘潜能 蓄势待发

Everybody's coming for you, wake up
世人趋之若鹜 为你前来 快醒醒吧
Everybody's coming, wake up
他们纷纷而来 快醒醒吧
Bodies dropping everywhere, I'm waist up
舞池狂欢 人影交错 我却置身事外
Everybody's coming, wake up
世人趋之若鹜 快醒醒吧
Everybody's coming, wake up
世人趋之若鹜 快醒醒吧

What are you to do
扪心自问 面对汹涌而至的追逐
When they come for you?
Winners hate to lose


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: